How to order
When you order your new compound bow system, you have some decisions to make. Some decisions are just a matter of personal preference (fletching colors, peep types, accessory choices, etc.), but other decisions affect critical fitment of the bow. So we need to get this right. Unless you’re already a whiz at modern archery, we strongly recommend you read this guide before ordering. We’ll walk you through all the technical jargon and try to explain what really matters and what doesn’t. If you aren’t sure about something and you need some help, we will be more than happy to offer some advice and talk you through it personally.
One to Five working days. The majority (about 94%) of our custom pro-shop orders are processed, built, inspected and shipped in 2-4 working days. In the slower months (Jan-July) we usually beat that average by a day. In the busier months (August-December) we tend to run an extra day. So all things considered, an official 1-5 day lead time is the most honest estimate we can offer. We know our customers are anxious to get their hands on the goods and get started, so we keep our heads down and get our orders out as quickly as we possibly can. Nevertheless, we sometimes run into a snag (an occasional backorder, inclement weather, equipment failure, zombie attacks, etc.). If we do, we’ll let you know. Otherwise, it’s safe to assume your custom pro-shop order will be on its way in a few working days. Our customer service email system will keep you alerted to your order status along the way.

Bow Help
Compound bow “fitment” is one of the most-discussed issues in our store. Compound bows only adjust within their specified range, and the physical requirements of the shooter must fall within that range. That should be easy enough, theoretically. But in practice it can be rather challenging. Fitting a person to a compound bow is not as simple as fitting them for a pair of boots. There are several elements to consider, and MANY archers have misconceptions about what is and isn’t “proper.” To help offer a little clarity on bow fitment, we dared to challenge the myths and misconceptions in this guide.
This is the “big read” for arrow buyers. Every archer owes it to themselves to understand the technical basics on arrows, as it not only affects accuracy and performance, but SAFETY. Improperly sized arrows are dangerous! If you’re one of the many bowhunters who select arrows each season by just grabbing a handful from the miscellaneous arrow bucket at the local super-mart, you may be surprised to learn that you’ve been cheating yourself, and perhaps, putting yourself at risk for injury. There is no such thing as a “one size fits all” arrow. Shooting proper arrows will greatly improve your accuracy and success in the field – and for less money than you might think. In this six-part mega guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know.

Our Pro-Shop
If you have never had your equipment professionally prepared by real Archery Pro-Shop, you might be missing out on a lot. A factory “kit bow” is a long way from a field-ready bowhunting solution. Sadly, archery products are becoming increasingly optimized for mass merchant resale. That means customers simply get whatever’s in the box and everyone just hopes for the best. We think that’s an irresponsible way to distribute archery equipment – particularly for the purpose of big game hunting. We don’t sell equipment that way. Our strength is craftsmanship and service. Our crew starts building bows and fletching arrows at 6:30 every morning, so it’s no particular chore for us to setup, test, tune, and sight-in a bow for our customers.